Wednesday, January 23, 2008

NTT's have arrived!

The department sent a message today to say that our Batch NTT's (Notice To Travel) have arrived from CCAA (China Center for Adoption Affairs). Without this we were unable to travel and it means our travel plans can now be officially locked and loaded, and paid for.. (we had jumped the gun there - so it is a relief!)
Not long now Jade - I now have 10 more working days until my leave starts, and 26 more sleeps until we can hold you...
p.s. I have finished my 100 good wishes quilt - finally! Not a moment too soon...


Cristina said...

LOL - love the comment about 'jumping the gun' with regard to the airfares. We went along to a meeting with the Department head and our batch buddies several weeks before we were to leave for China and were told by the Head that under no circumstances were we to pay for our tickets before NTT's arrived. Oops - I sort of booked and paid the week after referral..... Thankfully all went to schedule!
I am so very excited for you all, and can't wait to see some pics of Jade once you have her in your arms.

Cristina xx

Blondie said...

I have just found your blog through "Checking Boxes" and I am so glad I stopped by to hear such wonderful news.

The dream is coming true...
