I feel guilty for not blogging for so long... This week my little girl turned 18 months, but also has now spent more time in our arms than outside of our arms in her lifetime. It is a good feeling. The last few weeks she has turned into a little miss lady. I thought bringing her up exactly the same as our three boys would equal the same results. But no. If we leave home, (even if only to pick Mum up from the train station from work) we MUST have our handbag. Doesn't matter which bag - any bag will do. The shoes are important (she was found a few weeks back in my walk in robe - shoes off, trying on all of Mums...) but she will go without shoes as long as she has the bag...
During this time we have have spent time with Jessica (foster sister) who loves "In the night garden" and Upsy Daisey as much as Jade does! We have been to see Hi-5 live (courtesy of ANZ) where Jade danced for 2 hours straight and then slept for 2 hours straight! We have been to see the renovations of the Poyntons, and most recently have bonded with Uncle Robby who has headed off around the world on a journey of a lifetime at 24... (Only just, as his plane set sail 24 hours before he did !!!!!!!!) Recently we bought a 3 wheel stroller, and she will quite happily climb into it all day... Now it is up to Mum and Dad to take her somewhere in it. She is still very much Daddy's girl.... Unless she has been with Mum >24 hrs - then she switches... :-) The boys continue to adore her - Josh (16) inbetween time for Work, Girlfriend Moni, & study, Liam (13) does whenever he is awake, but Taylor will do anything, anywhere for her without even asking (unless it is a nappy :-). We had our first wee on the potty the week before she turned 18 months!! She eats anything and everything - switching her tastes and preferences at least weekly. She sleeps only once a day now - roughly 11.30am -1.30pm. She loves to draw - and had started to use a pencil nicely, but they were replaced with crayons quickly as she runs around with them. She puts nothing in her mouth that is not food (thank goodness - not another Taylor!!). She talks in baby talk constantly, but if you listen carefully you can understand. She says "Iyuyyoo" (I love you) every day with cuddles now. Rusty is now "Uree" instead of just Dog. She continues to bring such laughter and light to our home. We cannot imagine our lives without her...