Our precious little poppet has turned 1 on the 17th May... Jade is talking clearer now with "Mama" coming out properly on Mothers Day! She is currently saying "Bububu" for Butterfly as she is fascinated at them all around her room, on her clothes and on her rug. She is so close to walking - with Alex swearing she took a single step between two pieces of furniture. But still no teeth!!
The boys are wonderful with her - they have learnt to make her bottles - but still no nappy changes :-) Jade had disappeared for a second the other day, and I found her in Josh's room - sitting in the middle of his bed bopping away to his guitar playing just for her - very cute.
Josh got his L's last week. Very nerve wracking - but so far he is proving to be a capable and confident driver. He has obviously been watching and absorbing it all for a while.
Taylor was in a play in Geelong that we had to buy tickets to. He played Carson Kressley (from Queer Eye) dressed in a lovely pink jacket and sunnies - he was simply Fabulous!!
Liam and Taylor have an interview coming up with the principle at Kardinia International College - where Josh goes, so we are hoping it all goes well for them, and we can get them in for next year. (Year 8 for Liam and Year 10 for Taylor). We have been very happy with the school for Josh and he finishes up next year - Year 12.
My big news is I have changed jobs - moving out of IT altogether and into the business side of ANZ. I have accepted a 6 month contract and have resigned from DWS. At my age, it is time to start looking at a longer term career than what DWS can offer.
Dad and Chris have been over to stay with us for a terrific week - and they almost could not bear to leave Jade... Mum and Al and the girls Trinda and Dana have already been over (we had a great time at Easter), and my big sister Joy and Dean & their girls Hollie and Meg are coming for June long weekend - I cannot wait!!